Triathlon Training FAQs. For those trying to make a triathlon training fit in the diary we have a set of frequently asked questions to help.


Swimming Triathlon Training FAQs

Question? What’s the best way to store a wetsuit in the off-season?

Answer. Firstly make sure it’s clean before you store it. Rinse down with non-chlorinated cold water and turn inside out to dry. You can buy ‘wetsuit hangers’. Store in a cool place out of sunlight.

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Cycling Triathlon Training FAQs

Question? What’s the difference between turbo trainers and rollers?

Answer. A turbo trainer allows you to attach the rear of your bike into a resistance trainer. It can either be to lock in your wheel or the hub of a wheel with cassette. With a set of rollers you balance your bike in between 2 sets of rolling tubes allowing you to ride but maintain the normal balance of cycling a bike. Both are used for indoor cycling training.

>>> 5 of the Best Turbo Trainers 2020

Running Triathlon Triathlon Training FAQs

Question? What does the word over-pronation mean?

Answer. Over-pronation is an expression in relation to your running style. It becomes super relevant when buying running shoes to ensure you get the right level of support through the arch of the shoe. All shoes support natural or pronation running styles. Over-pronation is when the foot rolls inward too much on foot placement and launch. You can have this assessed through the use of gait analysis in a good running shop where they will film in slow motion you running on a treadmill to analyse this.


General Triathlon Training FAQs

Question? What is brick training?

Answer. There are essentially 2 types of triathlon brick training.  The first of these is to combine a swim followed directly by a cycle.  The second being to combine a cycle followed by a run.  The combination of these workouts is intended to prepare the body for a triathlon and the sensation on muscles moving from one discipline to the next.

>>> Beginner Triathlon Frequently Asked Questions

Question? What’s a negative split?

Answer. A negative split is a term that is most commonly used in relation to the running. A negative split is where you pace to make sure that the second half of the run (or swim or ride) is faster than the first. It’s a common triathlon training exercise to help ensure that you don’t go too hard too early and ‘blow up’ further into the race. It’s especially important if you’re not good at pacing yourself.

Question? How much training do you need to do for a triathlon?

Answer. The amount of training for a triathlon varies depending on the distance of the race and if your goal is to finish or to be on the podium. Our recommendations for people new to triathlon for training for each distance are as follows:

  • Super Sprint distance Triathlon races – 1 to 3 months training depending on fitness
  • Sprint distance Triathlon races – 3 months training to finish strongly
  • Olympic distance Triathlon races – 6 months training to finish well.
  • Middle distance Triathlon races – 6 to 9 months training depending on previous triathlon experience
  • Ironman distance Triathlon races – up to 12 months training to complete safely

Categories: Triathlon


Having founded Trivelo in 2015 after many years competing in triathlon Billy continues to enjoy cycling and triathlon. Founder Billy enjoys road cycling and mountain biking for some adventure. Generally a fair weather cyclist who come the winter months retreats to the turbo trainer!